Friday 22 October 2021

Supply and Demand, Book Publishing and Halloween


Students learnt about supply and demand through a simulation of buying and selling pearls. 

To begin, half of the class (the girls) was given a small 'pearl' and became the sellers. They had a minimum selling price of 5000yen, which was the price that they had paid for it. 

The boys became the buyers and had a maximum price of 15000yen. Then, the two sides had to negotiate a price to sell it for. They repeated this process a couple times and could see that the price would eventually work itself out. 

Next, we changed up the number of sellers and buyers so that there were only three sellers. The demand was much higher than the supply in this round, so the price went up higher.

And we also ran through an example where there were many sellers, but few buyers and noticed that the price went down.

It was fun watching the students negotiate the sales prices and learn about how supply and demand work.

They also began a new project where they get to come up with an idea for a good or service.


Our unit on information writing is almost done as the students began publishing their own works on the Storyjumeper. Only a couple students were able to finish their books, so most will be finishing them over the holidays.


We celebrated Halloween today and it was so nice to see everyone all dressed up! Speaking of which... congratulations to Leon for the most creative costume and to Kaito for the spookiest!

Have a great Autumn Break everyone!

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