Thursday 12 October 2023

Where We Are in Place and Time

 This week saw the end of unit one and the start of unit two. To complete the unit on technology, the students worked in groups to come up with Essential Agreements for using technology at school. They worked in pairs and then joined others to collaborate and come up with a list of do’s and don’t when working with computers and other devices.

To start the second unit, the students were given a “test” to see what inventions they could identify and explain what they were used for and when they were invented. This proved a bit challenging, but got them to think about where we have come from and where we are going with this unit. They also helped sort out the central idea and lines of inquiry.

In math, we finished up our unit on time and time tables / schedules with a test and played a Kahoot quiz game to review. We also began our next math inquiry into what makes a square a square?

In PE we finished up our cooperative games unit and began our new PE unit on martial arts! 

We celebrated a slightly belated birthday today as Ms Gras joined the class and treated us to some delicious crêpes!

We also welcomed a new member to our class, Gabriel! 

Cheers to everyone for joining Oktoberfest last weekend! It was great seeing everyone out and enjoying the nice autumn weather. 

Finally, here is a video montage from our field trip to Kids Plaza Osaka. We had a wonderful time!

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