In Grade 2 this week:
We continued our inquiry into how life in the past was different from life today.
To understand some of the differences, the students looked at images of things from now and from around 1940-1950 and had to sort them based on which category they thought they belonged to.
We also looked into the central idea and lines of inquiry for the unit. The words for each were cut up and spread around the room and the students picked up one or two and then had to find which group they belonged in based on the font type. Once they found their group, they had to sort out the words so that they made sense.
Our central idea is, “Children in the past lived differently from how we live today.”
Our 3 lines of inquiry are:
-Daily life then and now
- School then and now
- Factors influencing lifestyle change
We started looking into the first line of inquiry by talking about what types of things we use everyday and put them into categories such as clothing, transportation, buildings, entertainment, etc. and then focused on transportation. We also created a title page in our unit notebooks about our new unit.
PE: Karate
In PE, we began a unit on martial arts and will be spending the next 5 weeks on learning a bit of Karate. I trained for a few years when I was a teenager and also practiced a few times here in Japan. It has been a lot of fun so far, and the students seem to be enjoying it. In addition to working out physically, we also rest our minds as we have a short meditation at the start and end and also learn to show respect as we bow at the start and end of every lesson.

This year we celebrated Halloween on the last day before the autumn holidays. Everyone showed up in their costumes and we had fun going around the school trick or treating. Leon won the scariest costume award with her Chucky costume, while Emily and Keiichiro tied for the best homemade costumes ( they were SO good that I thought both were store-bought! And Shun won the class choice award. We also played an escape room challenge game in class with groups of students working together to solve different puzzles. The boys group won the challenge and was the first to escape!
I am happy to see your photos there are our kids' nice smiles! Thank you so much for your and all teachers' arrangements for Halloween.