Friday 28 August 2020

Back into the Routine

The first full week back at school is over already. This week saw the 3rd and 4th Grade students getting back into the regular school routine (with some special arrangements to help protect us from the Coronavirus in place, which the students have quickly picked up on and have started to become second nature for them.)

We start the day with some quiet reading and then move onto language and math. This week we began looking at the difference between Literal and Inferred information, by trying to read between the lines as we made connections between what we could literally SEE, and then made INFERENCES or came to a conclusion based on the details that we saw.

In math, we started off with a bit of review by looking at what the students remembered about how to use different addition and subtraction strategies. We also began our first math unit, which is about Data Handling, which is where we left off last year. This will tie in nicely with our writing focus over the next few weeks as we will be looking at how to write strong opinion pieces.

Our first unit of inquiry has also begun as we inquire into how citizens impact the societies of which they are a part. We looked at our class as a society, and began to define the classroom agreements. We also worked on making some new Learner Profile posters for the classroom.

Finally, tonight is our Virtual Parents' Night so I look forward to seeing everyone on Google Meet tonight at 18:00.

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