Friday, 1 March 2024

Rotating, Sun Dialling, Rolling and Leaping

 This week we continued to inquire into how the solar system works and plays a role in our daily lives. We experimented with how the Earth rotates to show how the sun moves across the sky and creates night and day.

We also explored how the first clocks were set by creating our own sundials. We also learnt about how it was the ancient Egyptians who came up with the idea for 24 hours in a day. We also learnt about why we have a Leap Year on February 29th, as well as how to tell the seasons by looking at shadows!

We enjoyed a couple of special events this week with a ballet performance on Tuesday, and the Kinder 2 Class assembly on Thursday. 

Speaking of assemblies, Grade 2 will host the next assembly on Thursday March 14th from 9:00in the MPR. All Grade 2 families are invited to join. We started discussing it and made plans for it with the class this week and we will start practicing for it next Monday! 

Ready, Set, Roll!!

In PE this week, we continued using the roller boards and had fun racing around like Mario Kart!

In language the students continued working on their creative writing stories and are getting closer to publishing them. Next week we hope to have a little publishing party on DSKI Book Day on March 7th. 

Continue reading to find out more about our book day!

We will be having a lot of fun reading and book activities for the students to enjoy, helping build and foster a love of books and reading. 

We also invite your children to wear their pyjamas to school. Getting into pyjamas and reading at home just before bed is something a lot of children do. So, coming into school in their pyjamas and reading will be a good way to connect this and promote the fun and joy of books.

Parents - during the day we would like to invite you to come in and read to the children. You can do so in any language that you would like to! Please bring some books from home you would be happy to share.

Please just let your child's homeroom teacher know. Email them to organise a time that works for both teacher and parent.

Culture Week

March 26 - 29

We will be having a week filled with fun activities, celebrating all the cultures in our school! 

More information to follow next week but - we are looking for parents to help out!

You can - 

  • Show or teach games / sports / toys from your country

  • Play a traditional instrument, teach a song, or create arts and crafts 

  • Teach the students a dance or movements special to your country

  • Prepare a native dish with the students 

If you are interested please let your homeroom teacher before March 8 (Friday).

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