Friday 4 March 2022

Let's get Physical Maps!

This week was all about going places and getting physical with physical maps.

In math, we learnt about how to slide and translate geometric shapes on a map grid. This was directly connected to other activities in our unit as the students learnt how to give directions using not only the usual directions of go up, down, left and right, but north, south, east and west. They also had some practice navigating from one station to another on a map of the Osaka railways. 

The students also had a chance to learn from each other as they read informative pamphlets on different types of maps that had been researched and summarized last week. They have really become more knowledgeable about the different types of maps and their uses.

Our final project for this unit was about different types of landforms and physical maps. Working in groups of three, the students chose a country to make a 3D model of a physical map. Responsibilities and roles such as Computer Researcher, Artist, and Playdough Maker were chosen and once each member completed their 'job' then they all worked together to shape and mold the playdough into the coastlines, mountains, hills, lakes and rivers of their group's chosen location. The five chosen countries were: Japan, Germany, France, Canada and Poland. Today they finished shaping the land and will paint and label them on Monday! Just in time for Culture Week! (I will be adding the one of Canada to my Canada display in the front entrance!)

Book and Culture Week

 Next week will be full of celebrations as we have some special events taking place each day!

Monday, March 7th - National Clothes Day -

Tuesday, March 8th - Funny Hat Day - wear a hat in class and you won't get in trouble!

Wednesday, March 9th - Pyjama Day - roll out of bed and come straight to school without getting dressed!

Thursday, March 10th - Silly Socks Day - wear your craziest socks to school!

Friday, March 11th - Character Day - become whoever you want for a day!

Also, on Tuesday......!! 

Pauline's mom, will come in during the morning to explain about how the French celebrate Chandeleur/ Candelmas and will help make some crepes with the Grade 3 class!

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