Friday 19 February 2021

Looking Back in Time

This week, the students were busy researching different aspects of a chosen ancient civilization. To direct their individual research, they were tasked with finding out about the art, architecture, writing/ language, beliefs/ religion/ myths, foods/ farming, tools, music/ instruments, currency/ money and clothing. Students used books on EPIC as well as Google to research the topics and added photos, links and short notes to a Google Doc to keep track of all the information and will choose 3-4 aspects to focus on in more depth next week as they will prepare displays and artwork for a Museum of the Ancients that they will organize for the last week of the unit.

Our art project for this week was also connected to the unit as students used their research about the writing system of their chosen civilization to write or carve out their name using the appropriate type of writing.

 During language time, we learnt about similes and metaphors in order to add more details to the students' personal narratives. The students enjoyed coming up with inventive ways to describe me, "Mr. Brabant is hairy like a bear!" Or, "Mr. Brabant's tummy is a balloon." And of course, my favourite, "Mr. Brabant's hair is like pasta!"

We also FINALLY started our Book Clubs/ Literature Circles. It took a few days, plus the threat of them losing recess time to get them to do their work, but somehow managed to have some discussion on one of the three books below. All of which also ties in nicely with our current unit! Let's hope they remember to read the next agreed-upon pages and complete the jobs that they chose over the weekend as the next meeting will be Monday morning!

Here are a few more of the linear perspective pictures that came back finished this past week.

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