Sunday, 20 October 2019

Assembly this Wednesday and Highlights from the Suma Rikyu Trip

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported school by volunteering and helping out at Oktoberfest. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun being MC.

Our first unit of the year recently came to an end and the students decided to take their new understanding of how to get along with others and put their newly learnt problem solving skills to work by helping others solve their problems. To find others with problems, they searched for Fairy Tale characters who typically face a lot of conflict. Once they chose a Fairy Tale, then they worked in small groups and identified the characters involved in the conflict as well as the reason for the conflict. Once they could identify the characters and the problem, they then went about brainstorming ways that the characters to resolve their conflicts in a friendlier way. They rewrote or modified fairy tale scripts. They will act out their plays at the Grade 2 assembly on this Wednesday, October 23rd. Please come join us in MPR at 3:00pm.

Suma Rikyu Field Trip
Last Friday, the school children went on our annual school trip before Oktoberfest. Once again this year, we went to Suma Rikyu Park. The weather forecast was calling for rain, but lucky for us, it turned out to be fine! The students had a great time climbing, swinging, then sliding around. Please enjoy the video highlights of the trip.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week and the week after the holiday. If you had not yet signed up, please do so by this link here.

On Friday, October 25th we will celebrate Halloween at DSK. Please encourage your child to dress up for the occasion. There will be prizes awarded for the best costumes!

Bitmoji Image

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Kandinsky Circles and Colour Theory

As we have been learning about how other people think and feel, we took some time to explore how certain colours make us feel. Early on in the unit when we discussed feelings and emotions, we discovered that often the colours are tied together with certain feelings, such as RED = Anger, BLUE=Sad, etc. In our exploration of the element of colour, we have been looking at different types of colour schemes such as primary, secondary, warm and cool, and this week we learnt about complementary colours (those that are opposite each other on the colour wheel, such as red and green, blue and orange, as well as purple and yellow. To see how artists use these colours, we looked at some artwork by Wassily Kandinsky and also learnt about his extraordinary condition called synaesthesia, which enabled him to hear colours, and see sounds!!!

To further explore the relationship between the different colours, we created our own study of colours by making our own Kandinsky Circles to help explore the different colour schemes. Check out some of our work below!

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Oktoberfest Volunteers and Healthy Snack Reminder

Oktoberfest is this Saturday, October 12th and we are still looking for volunteers to sign up for shifts, particularly for helping out with the BBQ and food. If you haven't volunteered yet, then please do so here.

Healthy Snacks!

Recently it has been brought to my attention by the students that some of their classmates are not bringing healthy snacks. As I mentioned at parents' night, I don't want to be policing their snack time to make sure that they have healthy snacks, nor do I want to call out each individual every time it happens (the other students are always much more critical of each other's snack). As a parent myself I know that sometimes there's nothing "healthy" in the house and we just pick something quickly for the day, and I'm not worried if it is something that happens rarely. The same can be said for those who do add a little sweet treat, along with other healthy things, don't worry, I understand that balance is important, but for those who regularly pack something sweet and ONLY something sweet (or junky) please try to provide a healthier snack. Please remember, that the other students are keeping an eye on what their classmates are eating. Also on that note, students should not be sharing snacks with each other. We have a few students with allergies, so it is unsafe and also unfair for them if others are sharing or trading snacks.

Examples of unhealthy snacks: Candies, chocolate, potato chips, etc.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Field Trip Next Friday

Next Friday, October 11th will be our first field trip of the year! The school will be empty of students, but full of parents and other volunteers to help set up the school for Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 12th!!

All of the classes from Preschool to Grade 5/6 will be heading to Suma Rikyu (Athletics) Park for the day. To see the full details about the trip please read this letter.