Tuesday 14 May 2019


On the evening of April 25th, one of the highlights for Preschool, Grades 1 and 2 took place: The Annual Sleepover Event!

After a quick trip home to get washed up, students arrived back at school at 6pm. Once they were done setting up their bedding for the night, they had the chance to play with friends out on the school playground.

For dinner, we ordered some pizzas and the students helped make delicious salads with lettuce, carrots, mini-tomatoes and salad dressing. While we ate, the students watched a couple Magic School Bus episodes! One was even related to the Grade 1 & 2 unit about Homes!

After dinner, it was game time! After a few rounds of "Flashlight Tag" out on the dark playground we moved indoors for Hide and Seek in the dark school! This is everyone's favourite game each year (including us teachers!!) and this year was no different!

Once we were all dressed in our pajamas and ready for bed, Preschool and Grade 1 joined Grade 2 in the multipurpose room for a story around the campfire! It was getting late and most of the two younger classes were ready for bed, but not Grade 2! We listened to a few more stories, played a game of Cowboy! Ninja! Bear! and Mr. Brabant tried to make the students sleepy by putting on a nature documentary, but it was no use as most of the second graders were too excited and were still awake past 11pm. Around midnight, most of the students started to doze off and finally all were asleep by about 12:15am.

Despite the extremely late night, the first student woke up somewhere around 4am and then slowly the domino effect woke the rest of the class up within the next hour. Brandon was the only one who managed to sleep until about 6:30, lucky him! I wish I knew how he did it!

After packing up our things and moving out of the multipurpose room, we ate a nice breakfast of cereal and juice together with Preschool and Grade 1 and then got to enjoy some extended playtime out on the playground before the other classes arrived. We managed to make it through our morning lessons and then finally headed home after lunch. I imagine that everyone slept as well as I did that night back home in my own bed!

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