Over the last two weeks, the students have been busy at work on preparations for our Flea Market which will open tomorrow, Monday, February 11th during snack - recess, lunch recess and after school from 3:30 until 3:45, and again on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Our goal is to help people find new homes for some of the things that they no longer need, by donating them to our Flea Market so that we can try to sell it and raise money for charity. If you have any further donations, please send them in as soon as possible.
Grade 2 Assembly
We've also been spending some time preparing for our upcoming assembly on Wednesday, February 27th at 3:00 in the school's Multi-Purpose Room. Inspired by our previous unit on limited natural resources, the students have decided to take action by working on four separate, but related projects.
For their action, Aira and Brandon worked on creating a poster with the question, "How do you reduce plastic?" Along with the poster, they included blank answer slips for students to write down their answers/ suggestions.
After collecting the student responses, Aira and Brandon will choose some to read out at the assembly!
Ryann and Riku put on their creative thinking caps and began writing a plan for a short dramatic performance that will focus on the problem of plastic pollution.
Meanwhile, Tiago and Richard also put their creative minds together and began making some of props for the dramatic performance, reusing some of the materials that we brought in from home to use for crafting!
Our 4th Unit of Inquiry: Forces and Materials
Although we have been very busy taking action to prepare for out upcoming assembly and our Flea Market this week, we also took some time to start our 4th Unit of the Year about Forces and Materials!
To see what the students knew about forces, we took a walk to the park to look for things that use a Push, or a Pull! The students also got the chance to show me just how hard they could pull, as we had a little Tug-of-War match in the class, with the students versus me! Our final, forces related activity for the week was creating "Hopper Poppers" with cardboard and elastic bands to see how high they could make them jump. Enjoy all of the forces action in the short video below!
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