Our first two days were spent getting to know our new classmates, classroom, routines and teachers. The students worked together in their table groups to help come up with our essential agreements and the similarity between the different group responses demonstrated that they know what is expected of them, For example, several groups mentioned, “We will be kind.” Some of the others said, “We will be respectful.” Others even used the learner profiles and stated, “We will be principled!”
We spent some time getting to know the classroom by completing a classroom scavenger hunt. Working with their table mates, the teams tried to be the first to answer as many of the 16 questions as possible. Questions ranged from, “How many chairs are in the room?” to “What lesson will you have after lunch?” The students really cooperated well with each other, and had some fun at the same time.
We also played a math quiz game reviewing some of what they learnt in grade 1 and started a little work in their new Cambridge math books. This year we have 2 books. The darker red book called the Learner’s Book is for use at school, and the lighter pink workbook is for use at home as homework. Today I’ll be sending both home for parents to see. For this weekend there won’t be any homework just yet. However, please make sure that the red book is returned on Monday as the students will need it in class!
This morning the students wrote about their first days in grade two and also wrote about their favorite food!
Finally, to learn more about each other we played a game of Find Someone Who….Bingo!