Friday, 26 May 2023

Environmental Issues

 This week we turned our attention to the negative ways in which people affect the environment. We began by taking a closer look at some of the photos that we did a See, Think, Wonder activity on last week to see if we could identify some of the big issues that we are causing. There were a wide range of problems from air pollution, to deforestation, oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, landfills, overfishing and endangered animals. Pairs of students began researching these topics to find out more about what they are and to create a short slideshow with a few important facts about the environmental issue that they chose.

In math, we began learning about fractions! 

In PE, we continued working on dribbling, passing and catching balls through a few new simple games, and also practiced running for today’s Sponsor Run. Thanks to everyone for donating and for all those who came out to cheer on the kids!

Field Trip

Next Wednesday, May 31 we will go on a short field trip to learn about how water treatment recycles our water. Thank you to Maria and Luna’s mom’s for volunteering to join us on the trip. Please make sure that your child wears their school shirt on the day. No other special arrangements need to be made, however, if they have a strap for their water bottles it would be nice if they used is so that they don’t need to carry their backpacks with them. We will be departing the school around 9:30 and should be back shortly after 11am.

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Poster Presentations and Environmental Problems

 This week the students completed their posters on how we use natural resources and presented them to the class. We learnt about how animals and plants are used as food, as well as to make clothing and other things. We also looked at how natural resources are used not only to make things, but to power our world as well, using both renewable and non-renewable resources to do so.

To end the week, we went on a gallery walk around the tables in the class to look at pictures of different environmental problems from air pollution to landfills and oil spills. As the students moved around to look at the images they stopped to write down what they could see, think and wonder. We will dive into these topics in more detail next week as we continue to inquire into how our actions affect the Earth’s resources and people.

In PE, we continued working on skills with balls such as dribbling, passing and catching through some new simple games like a variation of dodgeball.

We also practiced a bit of running for the Sponsor Run which has been rescheduled for next Friday, May 26th. Hopefully we have better weather in the forecast next week!

Friday, 12 May 2023

The Beginning of the End

 Our 6th and final unit of the year began this week as we started our inquiry into Sharing the Planet. Our central idea for this unit is, “Our actions affect the earth’s resources and people.” We first defined the words in our central idea and lines of inquiry, and then the students shared their ideas of what the unit’s main ideas could be about. 

Then we watched a few short videos about different types of resources, and followed them up with some sorting activities on Seesaw to strengthen our understanding of what resources are.

At the end of the week we began creating posters about the different types of natural resources that we use, and how we use them. We will finish making them early next week.

In PE, we began a new unit on simple games and ball skills.

And in math we began dividing with remainders, by using yummy jellybeans.

Next Friday we will have our first ever Sponsors Run. Please make sure that your child has an envelop with ¥1000 in one hundred yen coins, school t-shirt, hat, sunscreen, running shoes and a water bottle. Please see the information below.

Sponsor Run
Friday 19th May
9.00am - 12.00pm
Our first sponsor run will be happening soon - we aim to raise 100, 000 yen which we will use to purchase exciting robotic equipment for our STEM room, which everyone can enjoy.

All students will be taking part and we encourage parents to come along and run as well (you can buy a school shirt to run in here)!

(Hat, water, school T-shirt and sunscreen for each child please)
9.00am - 10.00am Early Years
10.00am - 11.00am Lower primary (Preschool - Grade 2)
11.00am - 12.00pm Upper Primary (Grade 3 - 6)

We will use a 1 coin - 1 lap system, so when a child completes a lap, they can drop a 100yen coin in our collection jar to try and fill it up! 

Parents who join, please help your child. If you cannot join, our teachers will help but please send a maximum of 1000yen in 100yen coins in a sealed envelope with your child on the day.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Sponsor run team.