This week we turned our attention to the negative ways in which people affect the environment. We began by taking a closer look at some of the photos that we did a See, Think, Wonder activity on last week to see if we could identify some of the big issues that we are causing. There were a wide range of problems from air pollution, to deforestation, oil spills, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, landfills, overfishing and endangered animals. Pairs of students began researching these topics to find out more about what they are and to create a short slideshow with a few important facts about the environmental issue that they chose.
In math, we began learning about fractions!
In PE, we continued working on dribbling, passing and catching balls through a few new simple games, and also practiced running for today’s Sponsor Run. Thanks to everyone for donating and for all those who came out to cheer on the kids!
Field Trip
Next Wednesday, May 31 we will go on a short field trip to learn about how water treatment recycles our water. Thank you to Maria and Luna’s mom’s for volunteering to join us on the trip. Please make sure that your child wears their school shirt on the day. No other special arrangements need to be made, however, if they have a strap for their water bottles it would be nice if they used is so that they don’t need to carry their backpacks with them. We will be departing the school around 9:30 and should be back shortly after 11am.