After being rained out last week, we were finally able to hold the cross country running event this week. It was a great day for it on Wednesday as the weather was just slightly overcast and not too sunny or hot.
We began with a nice picnic lunch followed by a bit of playtime at the park while preparations were being made by Mr. Waite.
Shortly after, it was time to start the races! The race start times were staggered a bit to avoid congestion and accidents. The grade 3 and 4 boys were the first out the gate, followed by the girls.
After giving them a few minutes head start, the Grade 5/6 girls went ahead and then the boys.
They were all wonderful risk-takers and so principled as everyone ran their best and completed the 1.5km run. A few kids were so principled, that they took the time to go above and beyond what was expected of them. One great example was Hirohito in grade 4, who demonstrated just how caring he is by stopping to help several of the students climb up a small wall, thus sacrificing what could have been a better finishing position.
Another stand-out was Kanna, who after finishing in first place amongst the girls, ran back to help pick up the cones and other materials after the race.
Check out the highlights from the event in this video!
Well done everyone!
Student-Led Conferences
Aside from all of the drama and cross country running, the students have been busy preparing for the SLCs next week. Please remember to be online at your scheduled times and be ready to listen attentively to all that your child has to say about this past year in third grade. If you have yet to sign up, then please do so as soon as possible. You can verify your conference time in the chart below.
Basketball Stomp
The basketball group had the chance to re-shoot their STOMP! inspired video, this time with all of the members of the group. Please enjoy!
Grade 3 Assembly Performance
As they've been busy working on expressing themselves during our current unit, more videos will be coming in the next few weeks. This month it was our turn to present to the school what we have been doing in grade 3 so our STOMP performance videos have been featured on the DSKI school blog. Great job grades 3 and 4!