Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards were emailed out earlier today, so please take the time to look over your child's report together with your child. Next week, I will be speaking with each child about their report as we continue setting goals for their growth in different areas and will share discuss those and your child's progress as well as answer any questions or concerns that you may have during the parent-teacher conferences.
Please see the schedule sent to your email to confirm the time you have chosen, as well as a link to the Zoom meeting.
Extreme Weather Phenomena Presentations
This week we wrapped up our Extreme Weather Phenomena unit. Getting through everyone's individual slideshow presentation took a bit longer than anticipated, but was worth it as the students were able to learn about 18 different types of extreme weather phenomena along with a few natural disasters that are often a direct result of the weather. The students were able to research and share the information they had found about their chosen weather phenomena. We had many great presentations and the students became the teachers as even I learnt a few things that I didn't know before!
Math Update
In math, we continued working on measurement moving from centimetres to metres to kilometres and worked on a combination of measuring things in class, and on solving word problems related to measuring with the metric system.
Coronavirus Policy Update
The school's policy has recently been updated, please click the link: Coronavirus Policy, to make yourself familiar with the policy and procedures.
Scholastic Book Orders
If you would like to order books for your children from Scholastic, the deadline is Friday, February 12th.