Friday, 29 January 2021

Extreme Weather Presentations

 Report Cards and Conferences

Report cards were emailed out earlier today, so please take the time to look over your child's report together with your child. Next week, I will be speaking with each child about their report as we continue setting goals for their growth in different areas and will share discuss those and your child's progress as well as answer any questions or concerns that you may have during the parent-teacher conferences.

Please see the schedule sent to your email to confirm the time you have chosen, as well as a link to the Zoom meeting.

Extreme Weather Phenomena Presentations

This week we wrapped up our Extreme Weather Phenomena unit. Getting through everyone's individual slideshow presentation took a bit longer than anticipated, but was worth it as the students were able to learn about 18 different types of extreme weather phenomena along with a few natural disasters that are often a direct result of the weather. The students were able to research and share the information they had found about their chosen weather phenomena. We had many great presentations and the students became the teachers as even I learnt a few things that I didn't know before!

Next week we will begin our 4th unit of the year, as we look back on civilizations of the past!

Math Update

In math, we continued working on measurement moving from centimetres to metres to kilometres and worked on a combination of measuring things in class, and on solving word problems related to measuring with the metric system.

Coronavirus Policy Update

The school's policy has recently been updated, please click the link: Coronavirus Policy, to make yourself familiar with the policy and procedures.

Scholastic Book Orders

If you would like to order books for your children from Scholastic, the deadline is Friday, February 12th. 

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Happy New Year! Factors that Influence the Weather and a New Student

 Happy 2021 to all of the Third Grade families! After the long winter holiday, I was certainly ready to be back in school with this wonderful class of kids. 

Our Grade 3 class also grew as a new German student, Marie joined our class. So we were happy to welcome her this week.

With regards to our unit of inquiry, we continued right from where we had left off and learnt about the 4 factors that cause weather: temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and air pressure. In learning about temperature, we sorted out the difference between weather and climate and learnt about the 5 main climates on the Earth: Tropical, Polar, Temperate, Mild (Sub-Tropical) and Desert.

We also took a closer look at the water cycle and the states of matter, as they both play important roles in how weather occurs. We drew detailed diagrams and wrote notes explaining both and also discussed the role of air pressure. To further the students' understanding we also watched a couple videos on the topics on BrainPop and an episode of Magic Schoolbus during lunchtime.

Next week we will be getting into the thick of things as students will be doing research projects on different types of Extreme Weather. I'm looking forward to being blown away by some of their work!