Our Body Systems unit fit in perfectly with my favourite event of the year, Halloween! We began the week by inquiring into the skeletal system. Students worked on drawing skeletons either from our new friend Mr. B (as in Mr. Bones and not Mr. Brabant!) or from YouTube tutorial videos. They did a great job and these became a large part of our Halloween decorations for our door and wall.
We tried to focus on our studies throughout the day by working on a Halloween themed math mystery. Then during unit time, students reflected on their body drawings on Seesaw before hanging them up in the hallway, thus adding to the Halloween theme! In the afternoon unit time, the students enjoyed some donuts from the PTA and we still continued our unit with a Halloween theme, as we examined some organs and had the chance to look at some samples of our body's cells through microscopes, and even got to touch a model of a human brain! (Which coincidentally looked a lot like udon noodles...)
The highlight of the party, was the battle of the Ghouls vs the Boneheads as the girls took on the boys in a game of Halloween Bamboozle! The other highlight was the announcement of the scariest and coolest costumes in each grade, as well as the winners of the best-decorated classroom room door and best-dressed teacher. Our winners in Grade 3 were Kanna H. and Yoshika for the coolest and scariest costumes. In Grade 4, the winners were Hirohito for coolest and Stella for the scariest. Although we didn't win the door decorating contest despite having decorated half of the hallway, we did have the teacher with the best costume!