Now that the report cards have been sent out, it is time for us to get together and have a little chat about how the students are progressing. Thanks to, reserving conference times has become a very stress-free process; which is exactly what I need as I've been busy writing reports and organizing all of the school club activities for the second term.
Clubs in the 2nd Term
Speaking of Clubs...if you or your child has not joined up for one or more of the clubs being offered at DSK in the 2nd term then wait no longer as some clubs might be cancelled in the next couple of days. So please sign up here!
New Unit
Out new unit, "From Farm to Table" began last week. This week we literally focussed on food by taking a close look at some fruit in order to paint some still life paintings. We began by reviewing some colour theory about mixing secondary colours, and also examined a variety of famous still life throughout the ages. Then we passed out some fruit and let the 4 groups arrange their fruit however they wanted. Next, the students sketched the fruit in pencil, and then today they had the chance to add some colour with paint! We have some very talented artists in our class! They also made sure that the real fruit tasted as good as it looked!
Also our Invention Convention last week was a huge success. Check out the previous blog post from earlier this week!