Friday, 22 November 2019

Getting Out and About in Grade 2

Field Trip to Nadahama Science Square

Next Wednesday, November 27th, (if the weather cooperates with us) Grades 1 and 2 will be going on a field trip to Nadahama Science Square from 12:00 - 14:45 as part of our unit on Inventions. Students will bring their lunches (we will take the school lunches with us as well) and we will eat them at a park nearby before visiting the museum. Should it rain, the trip will be postponed to the following week.

Invention Unit

We have been busy at work reading and researching important inventions and inventors in our unit on how our needs, interests and curiosity lead us to new discoveries and ideas. Next week, the students will start to plan their own invention which they feel can help others. If you have items at home which can be used for this project such as empty boxes, cylindrical cardboard containers, tubes, spools, and such, please feel free to have your child bring them in.

Also, if you have any old broken toys or other things around the house that the students might find interesting to open up and explore, please send them in by this Wednesday, November 27th.

Reading and Writing Procedures

To connect with our unit on inventions, the Grade 2 students have been spending some time looking at how procedures are organized and at reading and following procedures as well as doing some procedural writing of their own. To test their ability to follow a procedure the students had a chance to make chocolate milkshakes. It was a lot of fun and yummy!

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Event, Event, Event!

At this time a year, things get quite busy at DSK with a number of events taking place over a short period of time.

Right before our Autumn Break, we had our first assembly of the year, which was hosted by our Grade 2 class, who presented a number of slightly fractured Fairy Tales to demonstrate what they learnt in our first unit of the year on getting along with others and resolving conflict. A video of the performance will be shared just as soon as I am done editing it.


Just a couple days after the assembly, we all got to have fun again by celebrating Halloween. Students and teachers came to school wearing all types of wonderful costumes and danced and paraded around the MPR and even did some Trick or Treating around the school. The second-graders really enjoyed the break from our normal routine.

Coming up this week we have our next two events, St. Martin's and the Osaka Christmas Market at the Umeda Sky Building.

St. Martin's (Tuesday, November 12, 16:00 - 17:30 / 18:00)

As part of our whole year unit on how we express ourselves, we have been looking into the different light festivals around the world such as Diwali, Loi Krathong, Las Falas and of course St. Martin's. In preparation for this coming Tuesday, the students have been practicing songs during music time and making their own lanterns to carry around with them. After looking at several different types of lanterns from different lantern festivals around the world, the students were free to choose the type of lantern that they wanted to make. Some made Jack-o-Lantern style lanterns of plastic bottles, while others made theirs from paper plates and wax paper. Please come join us as we parade and sing with our lanterns lit up this Tuesday evening. So that I know who will be attending and how they will be returning home on the day please complete this St. Martin's Google Form.

Osaka Christmas Market

Our second special event this week will be on Friday, November 15th as the second-grade students will join with the rest of the elementary school students at DSK to sing some songs at the grand opening of the Osaka Christmas Market. The students will be lending their voices to the songs Silent Night in both English and Japanese, as well as We Wish You a Merry Christmas! Please encourage them to practice singing these two songs at home this week! We will be practicing together with the rest of the school each day this week right after Wake-up, Shake-up so please make sure your child arrives on time this week! See you all at the Umeda Sky Building on Friday!