Thursday, 22 August 2019

New to Grade 2 2019/2020

A new group of students joined the Grade 2 class at DSK today. I was happy to welcome back many familiar faces from last year's first-grade class, as well as two new faces! In the morning, they spent some time working with a partner to do a scavenger hunt around the classroom to find out things about their new classroom and weekly schedule. We also had our first music lesson of the year together and practiced singing a couple songs for the Preschool Enrollment Party next Monday.

You can find out important information about things such as the class schedule for the year via the links at the top right corner of this page.

After lunch recess the Grade Two students had Japanese and then a few periods of Unit of Inquiry time where we listened to the story, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" before making some little buckets of their own.

To find out more about what they will be doing this year in Grade Two, I look forward to meeting many of you at Parents' Night, next Tuesday evening.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Final Post for Grade 2 2018/19

Together with Grade 1, the Grade 2 students finished the year with an Art Exhibit to display and share all of the wonderful works of art that they created during our final unit on How We Express Ourselves. This was a great unit for the students to finish off the school year with as it allowed them to share their interests and express who they are. It was great getting to know all of them this year, and I'm excited to see what they will do next year in Grade 3 with Mr. Justin! I wish them all the best, and am looking forward to a new group of Second Grade students in a few weeks!

Here's a look at the wonderful Art Exhibit from the end of June:

Enjoy the last few weeks of your holidays everyone and see you on the 22nd!